song n. 1.歌,声乐,唱歌。 2.歌曲;歌曲集;歌词。 3.诗歌,短诗,抒情诗;韵文。 4.鸟叫声,鸟语。 a folk song 民歌。 a love song 爱情歌曲。 a popular song 流行歌曲。 break [burst forth] into song 唱出。 for a (mere) song=for an old song 非常便宜地,简直等于白送地。 go for a song 贱价抛出。 not worth an old song 毫无价值的,白送也不要的。 nothing to make a song about 〔俚语〕没价值的东西,不值一顾。 sing the song to death 反复唱得腻死人。 song and dance 〔美国〕歌舞表演;〔口语〕(对质问的)解释;演说;空洞的废话;遁词。
A philosophical reconsideration on zhoushan fishing songs 舟山渔歌的哲学审视
Gaetano skirted the light , carefully keeping the boat in the shadow ; then , when they were opposite the fire , he steered to the centre of the circle , singing a fishing song , of which his companions sung the chorus 盖太诺沿着光圈的边缘航行,小心地使船保持在光线之外就这样,当他们驶到火光正面的时候,他就笔直地驶入光圈的中心,嘴里唱起了一首渔歌,他的伙计们也同声合唱着。